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Piercing of the Soul

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‘People’s obsession, desire, and thoughts remain as ghosts, though it is no more related to themselves after death. Sadly, they exist as ghosts, living as souls that is more concentrated on their obsessions. If we’re being awaked while we are alive and get rid of our obsessions, we will not become ghosts and obsessions but those things can decrease naturally.’


<Piercing of Soul> is inspired by the direction proposer, Jinho Lim’s experience of working as a funeral director for several years. The movements are based on the inquiry about bewilderedness and contradictory behaviors that can be found in the traditional funeral ceremony. Analysis of death and burial service became the foundation of movements of the piece. At the border of death, the piece expresses the chaos of both being alive and dead bodies with grotesque and exaggerated imaginations. 

Tour Information

Direction Proposer : Jinho Lim
Co-creation & dance : Jinho Lim, Kyungmin Ji, Hyoin Jun, Kyunggu Lee
Tour size : 6 people ( 4 dancers + 2 staffs )
Duration : 50 mins

International Tour History & Awards

2016 Invited by ONE DANCE WEEK, House of Culture Boris Hristov in Bulgaria
2015 Selected by PAMS (Seoul Arts Market) CHOICE
2014 Selected by Korea National Contemporary Dance Company ‘Traditional Re-invented’

2014 Won ‘Dance act Award’ at Korean Association of Dance Critics and Researchers

What People Say

“Inside of an idea of death, uncontrollable chaos and the question of the existence, there is a hidden anguish, and an interpretation to overlook death positively.”
-Sungju Jo, Artistic Director of Banu Intermedia

“Choreographic tool in this piece is to expand the beauty of slowness and let the viewers to see scenes in detail. The construction of scenes were intended as if looking at the slide of photos and the piece was completed like that.”
- Naver Blog [with long breathing]/marks 

“It was naturally shown the perspectives of death which common people have through the feature of the dead, alive people, the people who are left.”

- Naver Blog, [The story of Lee]/lkjurose

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