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From the question "Who are you", I was always ashamed of myself not being able to answer more professionally. If I find the shame from my inner self, the shame would hide as it is shy. To find the hidden emotion, I started to walk along the road endlessly to find the inner self. As I was walking, the difficulty hit me pretty fast. Walking in the city was more difficult than I thought as there were so many allures and attractions from the outer conditions and I could not walk alone. So, I went into a nearby market and bought a big mob. I took out the head and used it as my cane. After the first day, I wore clothes for my mob and named it as 'Bongsukyee'. I wanted to walk on to Santiago but there was not even a time or money to do so. As I was walking within the city, we passed by 480 bus stations. We cross-walked 1360 crossroads. We went up and down 40 bridges and 80 underground ways. I want to tell my 400Km stories on the stage. 

Tour Information

Direction Proposer : Jinho Lim, Kyungmin Ji, Juseong Lee

Dancer & Co-creator: Juseong Lee
Tour size : 3 people ( 1 dancers + 2 staffs )
Duration : 20 mins

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